The biking birder

I'm cycling 20.000 km from
Cancun to Ushuaia to raise funds

for the IUCN Land Acquisition Fund. 

The biking birder

Thanks for your interest in my adventure! The Biking Birder is an outcome of my passion for birds, cycling and traveling. During the 20.000 km journey
I will visit 15 projects from the IUCN Netherlands Land Acquisition fund.
You can follow my adventure Instagram, Facebook and this website!

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From Cancan to Ushuaia 

The 20.000 km long journey starts in Cancun (Mexico) and ends in the most southern city in the world (Ushuaia Argentina).

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What is the Land Acquisition Fund?

The Land Acquisition Fund protects endangered animals. Watch the movie below to find out more! 

Photo: Blue Throated Macaw from Associásion Armonía: Daniel Alarcon


Do you also want to partner up? Send an email so we can get in touch!